Two summers ago I received the best news in the world. My brother gifted me the most beautiful baby English bulldog. She was the runt of the litter, and absolutely fiesty. I had never raised a dog before her, so I had no idea what to do or where to start. Bulldogs are very sensitive breeds, so I knew that I'd have a hard time giving her exactly what she needs, but I was really optimistic.

I struggled the first week on picking a perfect name for her, but I quickly realized that the perfect name would be Leia. She was equally as brave and strong as the beautiful galactic Princess Leia from Star Wars. As a puppy her favorite things to do were to look out the car window and chew on all of my shoes. She also loved biting raindrops when it drizzled. Her favorite toys as a puppy were squeaky toys and stuffed animals. Today, Leia's favorite toys are ropes and balls. Her favorite thing to do is go to the park and play fetch.

Watching Leia grow has been such a beautiful experience. I feel like I was meant to raise her and love her. She is a very special dog with very specific needs. I think she needs a special kind of patient person to watch over her, and I'm so glad that it's me. I hope that she lives a healthy and long happy life with me because I have no idea what I'd do without her. Her loud snoring and stinky farts are something that I would miss forever. Leia's Instagram is @pawincessleia In case you want to give her a follow.